Thursday, November 24, 2011


The fourth Thursday of November each year, America celebrates Thanksgiving. A celebration of an abundant harvest!  I wonder if our youngest generation understand the purpose of the 'celebration'.  Perhaps it is to them, as well as some adults, a chance for a change in the routine.  No school, a day off work?  To me this celebrated day is one to serve as a reminder of the abundant grace of the Lord.  The gift of the 'Babe' will be highly comercialized over the next weeks. It is good for us to remember the cross, was the greatest gift of any season!
November, for me has been one of the most difficult times of the years for more than twenty years.  I do love the fall, the briliance of the colors, the cripness in the air.  The promise of harvest providing food for the winter. But with it, comes memories of loss and sadness.  The shortened days and reduced sunshine may effect the mind.
Anyhow, it is the 23th as I write this and I am loving the time spent this week with family.  With siblings in from distant states, it is a very special time for loving on each other and getting to know each other again!  For our oldest sister, the last year and nearly half, have been spent in a variety of hospital, chemo labs and imaging machines.  This year, I want to focus on the fact the Lord has granted her the grace to endure the task. She has set an example unmatched by others.  Acceptance, enjoyment and the time to relax!!
May each of you be blessed by the events surrounding you today, this week an the business of the weeks to come.  Please remember the greatest gift of all is that of the Father, as he sacrificed the Life of the Son! The One who willingly climbed upon the tree and would have done it for even just me!


  1. A Blessed Thanksgiving to you, Robyn! Thank you for another lovely sharing post! It's a wonderful time of year to be reminded to focus on our Heavenly we should every day of the year! I will pray that this year you yourself will be overwhelmed by feelings of great JOY, and that the JOY will overshadow the feelings of sadness and loss! I will also continue to pray for your sister!...Nancy :o)

  2. Hugs and blessings to you this day, dear Robyn! So very thankful for the Lord's provision of you! You are a blessing! May your day be sweet filled with remembrance of all that He has done, and looking forward to all that He has promised coming to pass for your good and His glory!
