Twenty seven months ago, we were having an extended sleep over at Brenda's. Some family was there all the time. In the tiny video clip is Dad, as we passed the time. Some of the younger set were putting on makeup, so Papa Augie had to get in on the act as well. I took a picture, but it turned out to be the video setting. He says, hurry up, I can't do this all day.
Now that may seem trivial to you, but I love to listen. It is my Daddy's voice. I miss that so much today. Because two months ago, he left us for his forever home.
Dad was full of fun in the best of times as well as in the worst of times. We were having that extended sleep over because my sister was writing the final chapter of her life. As with others that have experienced loss, one death causes us to revisit another. The pain and grief multiplies, until it feels like the physical pain will over come you and you will never find a smile in your heart again.
Psalms 23 is well know to many, especially at the times of funerals. It seems to be one of the more popular Scripture readings for services. When you read the forth verse, you will see the words (KJV) 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil'...
Pay attention to the walk is through a valley and that death is a shadow.
The comfort I receive is from the knowledge that this time is one of a shadow. Shadows, as we know are longer in the morning hours and again in the evening. At noon, when the sun is over head, the cast shadow is shorter. So it is with the Son of Man. The more we soak in his goodness, the brighter our life, the shorter the shadow. I see that as I walk in the light of Jesus, his comfort surrounds me. When I move away from the Highest (Jesus), the shadow lengthens.
Dad has been gone from this place for two months. It seems like yesterday, I talked to him. It seems like an eternity since I talked to him.....
I miss you and your love and zeal for life. I know you were tired and trouble by life's bumps. But you never gave up. So as I walk this trial, I will look to Christ to carry me through the grief that multiplies as I finish the race...
If you are hurting, I am praying. Each post I write, I ask the Lord to reach the needs of any and all that may stumble here.
We do not know when it is our turn to close the book on our earthly life. Live it well, seek the Lord, I will be praying for you.
Now that may seem trivial to you, but I love to listen. It is my Daddy's voice. I miss that so much today. Because two months ago, he left us for his forever home.
Dad was full of fun in the best of times as well as in the worst of times. We were having that extended sleep over because my sister was writing the final chapter of her life. As with others that have experienced loss, one death causes us to revisit another. The pain and grief multiplies, until it feels like the physical pain will over come you and you will never find a smile in your heart again.
Psalms 23 is well know to many, especially at the times of funerals. It seems to be one of the more popular Scripture readings for services. When you read the forth verse, you will see the words (KJV) 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil'...
Pay attention to the walk is through a valley and that death is a shadow.
The comfort I receive is from the knowledge that this time is one of a shadow. Shadows, as we know are longer in the morning hours and again in the evening. At noon, when the sun is over head, the cast shadow is shorter. So it is with the Son of Man. The more we soak in his goodness, the brighter our life, the shorter the shadow. I see that as I walk in the light of Jesus, his comfort surrounds me. When I move away from the Highest (Jesus), the shadow lengthens.
Dad has been gone from this place for two months. It seems like yesterday, I talked to him. It seems like an eternity since I talked to him.....
I miss you and your love and zeal for life. I know you were tired and trouble by life's bumps. But you never gave up. So as I walk this trial, I will look to Christ to carry me through the grief that multiplies as I finish the race...
If you are hurting, I am praying. Each post I write, I ask the Lord to reach the needs of any and all that may stumble here.
We do not know when it is our turn to close the book on our earthly life. Live it well, seek the Lord, I will be praying for you.
Oh, Robyn, this a precious video and something that will continue to bring tears but also precious memories that you will always have in your heart! Thanks for sharing! We find great comfort when we know that our families are with the Lord! Praise God! Hugs, precious friend!