Saturday, December 31, 2011

Proverbs 31

There are portions of scripture that speak out in loud voice at certain times in our lives.  Verse 8and9 of the Proverbs is one that carries meaning for me.  
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.....defend the rights of the poor and needy.

As a nurse, I find this is great advice, as if it is designed just for me! Praise God, He saw fit to give instruction for all walks of my life.  As  you read on in this chapter, there are great instruction on becoming a great wife. I say becoming, because, for me it is an ongoing process!  A daily morphing into a better wife. OH the days that I slid back are greater in number that the days of progress. So thankful for forgiveness of my dear hubby and my Heavenly Father.
As tomorrow brings a new year, I encourage each one that may stumble upon this statement, begin a daily reading of the Proverbs. January first, read the first chapter....and so on for the month, then Feb, March. You get the picture.  As the year moves along, may your lives be blessed as you tuck the Word into your heart.

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