Sunday, February 23, 2014

DAD, what's in a name

My dad carries his fathers name first, (and of course, last) but the middle is the one he was know as professionally.  His last name was shortened to Augie.  Nearly 40 years ago, he decided to sell bratwurst at the local fair...Time passed, his daughters married, his son as well. Over time, we became Augie's Brats. Yep, that is Mom and Dad's children, grandchildren and greats as well.  Tomorrow it has been 77 years since he made his debut.  We loved to celebrate his birthday every year.  Tomorrow, as we celebrate his love for us, we will be mourning  our loss. You see, he passed away unexpectedly and suddenly today, in the dark hours before dawn.  I love you Dad.
My blogging friends, I know you are believers, so I thank you in advance for your kindness and prayers. Please forgive me for not offering responses or posting comments.  I have two siblings coming from other states. Would you kindly offer a prayer of travel mercies, and comfort to those that are not able to come.  They loved Papa Augie too.


  1. Oh, Robyn, I am so sorry to read about your dad's sudden and truly unexpected loss! I know how that feels, since that's how my dad passed. So my heart aches for you and your family, and I am praying for you as you are mourning your deep, deep loss! The more we love someone, the harder it is to lose them, but God is good, and we know that He will comfort you all. God is near to the brokenhearted. May all travel safely and may you all gather together in sorrow because of His loss and in joy as you share precious memories of this wonderful man! What a precious photo...that has suddenly...even more precious indeed! Wish I could give you a IRL hug! Praying for you and knowing that God is with you even now and in the days ahead! Hugs, precious friend! (And I don't need to respond to's time we minister to you!)

  2. Oh, my dear friend!!! I am so sorry for your loss!! I trust that since this happened you have been seeking Our Great Comforter for peace and healing. The pain does lessen with time, and with the assurance that our Father's are secure with our Heavenly Father!
    I am sorry I am so late in finding this, Robyn! It makes your recent comments all the more special. Thank you very much! I appreciate you! Know that I will be praying for you and your family! :o)

  3. Oh Robyn... you are so right.. our dads are a great treasure...
    Pray for you in this grear loss as it will still be raw. My dad sadly does not know the Lord but I keep praying in faith for him... and so thankful he is still here. I trust your dad knew the Lord. God be with you, dear sister! Shaz in Oz. X
