Monday, September 16, 2013

Enter Zion with Singing!!

Issiah 35 sings of the Joy of the Redeemed. What a glorious time of rejoicing that will be, the old hymn proclaims.
When tragedy strikes, it is near impossible to grasp the thought of such a rejoicing time. Last week there was such a tragedy that touched my life. It did so because those involved were a part of my sister's life. After spending some playtime together, a carload of young people collided with a tree, ending one life here on earth, but entering him into the land of Zion, with singing.
For his family, friends and many young lives, it is a time of sorrow and beginning of a new sort of normal. Adjustments, arrangements, recuperation, pain and much sorrow. Those things bind together to make even one moment overwhelming. In the midst of this, the enemy will grasp at any opportunity to whisper lies into the ears of those that will listen. Because of the Truth, the young people and their families touched by this event, will stand strong in the comfort of the Lord.
Join me in lifting this community to the feet of Jesus. But don't stop there. Tragedy strikes somewhere, every day. Pray for all of our communities and the presence of the Lord to grow stronger as we come together in prayer in all things.

May the Lords blessings fall upon you today.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written, Robyn! Thank you for sharing this. I will be praying for these families! :o)
